Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

How Much Do Semi-Pro Soccer Players Make?

When we watch soccer and hear the commentators say, “that is why he is on the big bucks,” it’s easy to understand why professional players earn massive salaries. But what about semi-professional players? How much do they make?

Do semi-pro soccer players get paid?

Semi-pro soccer players can indeed get paid, although the amount is typically small. How much a player is paid depends on various factors, including the club’s current situation, restrictions on player payments, and the club’s financial resources.

Semi-pro clubs heavily rely on factors like sponsorship deals, fan attendance, and gate revenue to stay afloat and attract quality players. Clubs with a large fan base and higher attendance tend to have more financial resources at their disposal and can offer higher wages to their players.

How much do semi-pro soccer players make?

The amount semi-pro soccer players make largely depends on the club’s status and its ability to generate revenue from sponsorship deals, matchday tickets, and merchandise sales. Let’s take a look at how much semi-pro soccer players make in various countries.


In Australia, semi-professional players can earn anywhere from $100 to $2000 or more per week. The payment structure varies from a fixed weekly fee to a performance-based wage, where players receive bonuses for goals, clean sheets, and assists. Some clubs also cover travel, meals, and accommodation expenses for their players.

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Australian Semi-Pro Soccer

United Kingdom

In the UK, most semi-pro players do not earn a wage. However, their clubs often provide benefits such as travel, meals, and accommodation. For those players who do get paid, the wage is usually around $50 per game. This amount may vary depending on the club. As players in the UK typically have full-time jobs, soccer income serves as an additional bonus.

United States

Semi-pro soccer players in the US earn an average wage of around $400-500 per month. The wage can vary based on whether players have a flat weekly rate or a performance-based contract with incentives for goals, clean sheets, and other achievements.

United States Semi-Pro Soccer


In Germany, the average wage for semi-pro soccer players is around 500 Euros per month. However, this amount can vary based on the club’s financial stability and stature. Bonuses for goals, clean sheets, and cup victories can also be included in players’ contracts.


Semi-pro players in the fourth and fifth tiers of Dutch soccer, known as the Hoofdklasse and 1e Klasse, earn an average wage of 100-150 euros per game. Bonuses are also given for winning matches, keeping clean sheets, and achieving cup victories. Like in other countries, the financial capability of the club influences the wages.

Netherlands Semi-Pro Soccer


In Switzerland, semi-professional players in the third and fourth tiers earn an average wage of 50-150 CHF. The exact amount depends on whether the team wins or loses.


Q: Do all semi-pro soccer players get paid?
A: No, not all semi-pro soccer players get paid. Some players receive no payment but may have travel, meals, and accommodation covered. Others receive a small wage or performance-based incentives.

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Q: What factors influence the wages of semi-pro soccer players?
A: The wages of semi-pro soccer players are influenced by factors such as the financial stability of the club, sponsorship deals, fan attendance, and gate revenue.

Q: Are there bonuses for semi-pro players?
A: Yes, many clubs offer bonuses to semi-pro players for achievements such as goals, clean sheets, cup victories, and advancing to further rounds of competitions.


The earnings of semi-pro soccer players vary significantly across countries and clubs. While some players receive modest salaries, others are paid more handsomely. Additionally, factors like sponsorship deals, fan attendance, and club finances play a crucial role in determining player wages. The love for the game remains the primary motivation for these players, with the money serving as a bonus.

For more information about soccer statistics and player performance, visit Pesstatsdatabase.